Opportunity for Investment

from: Micheal Bock sultancjones3@gmail.com
reply-to: mbock484@gmail.com
bcc: [redacted]
date: May 21, 2024, 6:56 PM
subject: Opportunity for Investment

Subject: Opportunity for Investment – Inheritance of £5,500 000.00

To whom it may concern,

My name is Mr. Michael D. Bock and I am an account officer with Arab Alpha Economic Bank London PLC. It is my pleasure to reach out to you regarding a potential investment opportunity that I believe you may be interested in.

I came across your contact information through the chamber of commerce and industry while searching for a person who could act as the next of kin to one of our deceased clients. The client, along with his wife and only child, unfortunately passed away without any heirs or beneficiaries to his accounts.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the late client had a fixed deposit account with our bank holding a total sum of Five Million Five hundred British Pounds (£5,500 000.00). This account has been inactive for over six years now and there is no one else who can claim the funds.

As his former account officer, I have access to all necessary documents and can facilitate the transfer of these funds into your account as the legal beneficiary. In return for your cooperation, you will receive 45% of the total amount.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me so we can discuss further details and move forward with the necessary arrangements.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mr. Michael D. Bock

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